Thursday 31 October 2013

Mamma Italia and exploring Jumeirah Road

A little bit of Italy in Dubai. How many other people out there feel that there is quite the parallel between Italians and Arabs? Down on Jumeirah Road, which is fast becoming my favourite part of town, is the Mamma Italia restaurant.

My friend and I happened upon it while on a stroll along Jumeirah Road. It is located just after the Al Hilal Bank on Jumeirah Road (near to the Burj al Arab). And it has outside seating! Our super friendly waitress explained the restaurant to us as we were still deciding where we want to eat. We walked a bit further but then decided to go back. We made the right decision.

The menu offers a typical assortment of classic Italian fare from Bruschetta and Panini to various pizza (in an actual pizza oven and the chef can swirl that dough like nobody's business, mind blowing).
Adorable detail on the menu

Hamour dish (cannot remember the name)

Roasted chicken panini

It was so nice to sit outside, in the shade of course. The roasted chicken, complimented by the lightly sweet taste of the tomato salsa, was wonderful and my friend also enjoyed her hamour. At the end our plates were clean. We were also asked if we would like a dessert but after the delicious lunch we needed for a small walk to digest. We promised to come back for gelato, though.

Jumeirah Road has a slower pace of life to it. Perfect if you need to get away from the usual rat race present in the malls. Plus it is rather quirky to come across a Milka Cow at Al Bashaer Grocery. Jumeirah Road is ideal for walking as it has many little shops along it and the walking path is separate from the road. There is not much shade so take care to bring along water. There are water stations dispersed along the road that can also be used.

As it was getting hot, and because it is rude to break a promise, we made our way back to Mamma Italia for gelato.

So many flavours to choose from! We each had about 5 flavours that we tried. Really though, how can you say no when someone recommends you to try, try, try! We even tried Smurf ice cream. Does that make us cannibals?

I went for the Stracciatella in a waffle cone mainly because it seemed lighter than the Nutella one. But who am I kidding, lighter is the wrong word. We are talking about ice cream here. It was more refreshing than the Nutella. Have you ever had the dark chocolate ice cream from Cold Stone? That is what I would call a "heavy" ice cream. These gelatos did seem lighter than the typical Cold Stone fare and when you are looking for something indulgent and refreshing: light is right.

Take the time to explore your city. I know that I am thoroughly enjoying this aspect to living in a new place.

As usual: I was not compensated for this post so it is entirely my own rambling opinion.

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