Sunday 13 October 2013

Hot Pot in the Desert

There is something about finding an authentic restaurant in a city like Dubai that makes your heart beat a little bit faster. One of those places would be the Xiao Wei Yang International Restaurant also known as the Little Sheep/Lamb Hot Pot.

Exterior of the restaurant

The restaurant is easy to find across from the Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa on Al Sufouh Road. There is still construction taking place in the area so parking is still at a premium.

Interior of the restaurant
The moment my friend and I walked into the restaurant our throats were tickled with the hint of spice which was lingering in the air. And with that my smile grew broader as I have not had hot pot in about two years, one could say it was a long time coming. After settling at our own table we were given the menus and allowed a moment to peruse them. A definite plus here is that there are pictures showing what you will get which is perfect for hot pot neophytes. We went with menu four which has a divided "pot" which just means one side has a spicy broth and they other is a milder beef broth. In addition to the normal assortment of mushrooms, fish balls, lettuce and thinly sliced meat which comes with the hot pot we also ordered golden needle mushrooms. Be still my heart of I do have a fondness for these.

Hot pot ingrediants
As expected the food came quickly and was fresh. Hot pot is essentially an eat at your own pace food where you can cook as you go.

Ready to eat

As usual I was not compensated for writing about this restaurant. I do, though, welcome suggestions on new places to try out.

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