Friday 10 October 2014

A taste of Autumn

There comes that time of year when #PSL is used again and people await the aromas of pumpkin, cinnamon and nutmeg. In Dubai we are missing the scent of dried leaves and the crunch of dried leaves under our feet. We don't get to experience the biting winds which precede winter nor do we get to take out the racks for one final attack on the remaining maples leaves that blanket our lawns. We we do have though is Starbucks; ready and willing to indulge our craving for the taste of autumn. I take mine tall, one pump of syrup, no whipped cream and a dash (or three) of cinnamon. Maybe next season we will even be graced with the Pumpkin Scone, one can only hope. For a more humourous approach to the Pumpkin Spice Latte craze check out this article from the Canadian weekly, Maclean's.

Cinnamon Roll and a tall Pumpkin Spice Latte
So where are you enjoying your #PSL? And do you miss about Autumn?

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