Wednesday 26 February 2014

Fortnum & Mason: The Dubai Edition

Only a couple more days to go until we can get our manicured little hands on the goodies at Fortnum & Mason here in Dubai. Though with one caveat; there will be no foie gras. Controversial but delicious, foie gras is not halal because of how it is produced. I am sure though that the rest of the goodies will make up for the lack of foie gras and maybe our waist lines and pocketbooks will be the better for it.

The new Dubai store is described as being a vast, three story department store. It is located between the Dubai Mall and The Address Downtown Dubai in a free standing location. The current facade around it was done by the brilliant Rory Dobner.

Link to original photo
Check out the facebook page of Rory Dobner for more of his work and some gorgeous and inspiring pictures.

Will let you know how it is as soon as I make a trip to Fortnum & Mason. Which will be soon. Very soon. Tah for now, dahling.

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