Thursday 3 July 2014

A Dubai Escape and Ramadan Reflection

Now that we are in the first week of Ramadan Dubai slows down a bit, less tourist, expats and just people in general. Work hours shorten and invitations to an Iftar are inevitable. It is a time to reflect and think back on the good times and the not so good times that we have had. I feel that Ramadan puts me into a introspective mood. One of these things I think back on and smile about was a trip to Oman a couple weeks back. It was an ideal little weekend escape and it brought us high into Jebel Ackdar outside of Nizwa. I am going to let the pictures do the talking. Have a wonderful Ramadan and if you are wondering where to head in Eid try making a camping trip to Oman, it is worth it.

At the abandon village at the base of Jebel Ackdar

At the abandon village at the base of Jebel Ackdar